Who we are

Our Kids’ Climate is an anchor organization, connecting national and grassroots groups and supporting hundreds of leaders from more than 50 countries to develop parent-led, family-friendly, intergenerational organizing and engagement strategies.

We believe all children today and tomorrow should inherit a healthy planet and just world, rooted in renewable energy and built through intergenerational solidarity.

We know that parents, carers and grandparents worldwide are seeing and feeling the accelerating impacts of the climate crisis, and are searching for ways to protect their children today and in the future.

We work to build the strength and capacity of the growing parent and intergenerational climate movement worldwide.

Our Founding Story

The seed for our movement was planted at the 2015 global climate talks in Paris (COP21), when 12 parent-led groups from 8 countries came together under the name Our Kids’ Climate to deliver a global petition on behalf of children to the UN Secretary General.

In 2019, as the youth climate strikes began to motivate more parents to get involved in climate action, we became an organization founded by Jill Kubit (DearTomorrow, US) and Frida Berry Eklund (Vara barns Klimat, Sweden).

Today, we mobilize parent groups and other intergenerational climate organizers to create a healthy planet and just world for all children and future generations.