Our Advisory Council
The Our Kids’ Climate Advisory Council provides strategic advice and good governance support to the Co-Directors on organizational priorities and development to ensure Our Kids’ Climate grows and thrives.

Nick Grono, Australia
Nick Grono is an Australian human rights campaigner with two decades of experience in building organizations and campaigning. He is the CEO of the Freedom Fund, a global philanthropic fund that has raised over $200 million in a decade to help end modern slavery. He serves on the advisory councils of Global Witness and the McCain Institute and was previously the Chair of the Jo Cox Foundation and a board member of Girls Not Brides. He joins the OKC Advisory Council in 2024.

Makoma Lekalakala, South Africa
Makoma Lekalakala is Director of Earthlife Africa JHB and a leading campaigner for a just and fair society. Her commitment to climate justice in South Africa has led civil society to win the first South African climate change legal court case against the government and the reversal of the nuclear deal by the South African and the Russian government. She received the WWF Living Awards Honorable Mention in 2017, the Goldman Environmental Prize for Africa in 2018 and the Nick Steel Memorial: Environmentalist of the Year 2018 amongst other accolades. She serves on the South African Climate Commission as a Climate Commissioner and is a board member of Natural Justice and Recourse.

Dr. Susan Pacheco
Dr. Susan Pacheco is an eminent pediatrician, public health specialist and academic working at the University of Texas McGovern Medical School in the Houston Medical Center. She has dedicated her professional life to educating and creating awareness about the dire impact of the climate crisis on children’s health. She collaborates with the American Academy of Pediatrics as well as the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology to raise awareness of the intersections between climate change, and health.

Harriet Shugarman
Harriet Shugarman is a US based university professor, author, writer, economist, climate policy advisor, and a leading voice in the parent climate movement. Harriet is the Executive Director and founder of ClimateMama. She is a leading media commentator on children and climate change with deep experience and knowledge in the areas of intergenerational climate communication, climate education and mental health. She is the award winning author of the book, How to Talk to Your Kids About Climate Change: Turning Angst into Action, published in May 2020.