Three things parents can do next to support the FridaysForFuture movement
The Global Climate Strike week is over for now. But the kids won’t rest. And there are many things you can do as a parent to support the school strikers. Here are three ideas.
1. Support the youth strikers digitally
Use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to elevate this kids’ messages and stories. Post an image or story on social media about how you support the kids or repost something from a youth striker that you are inspired by. Use #FridaysForFuture, #ourkidsclimate, #parentsforfuture and #parentsunite to let school strikers know that you are supporting their efforts.
2. Support the strikes physically
If you can, go to your nearest school strike on your lunch break and ask if you can help with something. It can be anything from bringing them lunch to protecting them if they are in a place where they might need an adult to accompany them.
3. Talk to your child’s school
No matter what grade or level, let your child’s teacher or school know that you care deeply about climate change and you support the youth strikers. In an email or through personal conversation, encourage teachers and school leaders to support the strikers actions, talk about the youth-led strikes in their classes, and integrate climate change into the curriculum. Or why not strike up a conversation with other parents at the school gate about what’s worrying you about the climate crisis, and the value of getting active together?
Sample Letter:
Dear (Name), I am the parent of (child(ren) and am concerned about the impact of our rapidly changing climate.
As you know, during the 20-27 of September strike week, more than 7 million people stood up for the climate. I am wondering how you talk about this issue in our school, and how you are supporting the kids that striking?
As a parent I stand with the children across the world striking and I hope you will too.
I look forward to your response. With Climate Hope, (your name)