Parent Letter to World Leaders
We, the parents
More than 150 leading parents from the arts, entertainment, sport, science, civil society, and business have signed an open letter, led by Our Kids’ Climate, urging world leaders to end our dangerous dependence on fossil fuels for the sake of the children of today and tomorrow.
Parents who have signed include Angelique Kidjo, Christiana Figueres, Don Cheadle, Dame Emma Thompson, Princess Esmeralda of Belgium, Julianne Moore, Khaled Hosseini, Robert Redford, Tasneem Essop, Mayor of Freetown Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr, and many more.
The letter has been spearheaded by Our Kids’ Climate, as part of an effort taking place during Climate Week NYC supported by Groundswell (Global Optimism), Save the Children International, Potential Energy, C40 Cities, Climate Crisis Advisory Group, WE ARE FAMILY FOUNDATION, and the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative, which seeks to harness the power of love-led climate action to #ProtectWhatWeLove.
The letter was released alongside a powerful video produced by the Potential Energy Coalition, which was informed by the organization’s research that found the number one reason people around the world care about climate change is to protect children and future generations.
As parents, we move mountains for our children everyday. For the love of our children, and children everywhere, we can move mountains on climate too!
Read the letter, and view the signatories below. The letter was open for signatures from parents and carers during New York Climate Week 2024.
Dear World Leaders,
Ahead of the United Nations Summit of the Future, children and young people from around the world are mobilizing to secure the right to a livable future. As parents, we must, too, raise our voice to protect what we love: our children and precious planet. The burning of fossil fuels drives the climate crisis, harming children now and stealing their futures. It is crucial that the Summit makes an unambiguous commitment to a just and fair transition away from fossil fuels. And it is crucial that you, as world leaders, and indeed as parents, make good on that commitment, so that we can pass on a healthy planet to our children.
The reality of climate breakdown is painfully clear. Millions of children are suffering. We have seen super-strength hurricanes in the Caribbean, record-smashing heat waves across the U.S., Asia and East Africa, destructive wildfires from Greece to Canada, and unprecedented flooding in Brazil, North Africa, Pakistan and the UAE. All too often, it is communities that have contributed the least to carbon pollution that are being hit first and worst. But everyone, everywhere is affected.
99 percent of us breathe dirty air. Children are especially vulnerable: polluted air lodges inside their growing bodies, causing and aggravating diseases from asthma to cancer. Children’s physiology also makes them vulnerable to extreme heat. 559 million children are currently exposed to frequent heat waves, with this number expected to surge to over two billion worldwide by 2050. Virtually all children on earth.
The science is clear: the burning of coal, gas and oil is the main cause of the climate crisis and air pollution. At the same time, exponential progress in clean technologies means a safer world for all is now within reach.Today’s young people and future generations need leaders to seize this better future.
We applaud you for coming together to find a path to create a safer world for our children. To be worthy of its name, the Summit of the Future must be a reset moment. We want our children to inherit a world in which they can breathe clean air, enjoy nature, and meet their potential without threat from ever-worsening climate disasters. For this to happen, we must end our dangerous dependence on fossil fuels.
The majority support decisive action: 77% of the global population want their government to do whatever it takes to limit the effects of climate change. Next year, countries must present updated climate plans to the UN. These plans are a once-in-a-generation opportunity to respond to this global mandate for action.
As scientists, artists, sportspeople, people of faith, city mayors, authors and illustrators, and leaders of business and civil society, we urge you to accelerate a fossil fuel phase out, and commit to a fair, fast and funded transition to clean, safe renewable energy.
We, the parents, simply wish for a decent future for our children, and all children. You have the power to protect what we love. For the children of today and tomorrow, we are counting on you.
Parent letter in other languages
In alphabetical order by first name:
Agnes Imgart, Parents For Future Global & Parents For Future Germany, Germany
Alastair Campbell, Writer, Podcaster and Strategist, UK
Alison Steadman, Actor, UK
Alysia Reiner, Actress, Activist, Speaker, Producer, Eco-Mom, USA
Amber Valletta, Activist, Founder and Model, USA
Dr Andrew Steer, President and CEO, Bezos Earth Fund, USA
Angelique Kidjo, Musician, Benin
Annie Lennox, Singer, Songwriter, Humanitarian and Co-Founder of The Circle, UK
Anya Kamenetz, Journalist and Author, The Stolen Year, USA
Arizona Muse, Model, Sustainability Consultant, Activist and Founder of DIRT Charity, USA
Dr Arunabha Ghosh, Scientist, India
Axel Scheffler, Illustrator, Germany/UK
AY Young, Singer, Songwriter, USA
Benji Davies, Author, Illustrator, UK
Benjamin Chaud, Author and illustrator, France
Beverley Naidoo, Writer, Children’s Author, South Africa/UK
Bhavreen Kandhari, Warrior Moms, Co-Founder, India
Bianca Santana, Author/Writer and Journalist, Brazil
Bill McKibben, Activist, USA
Brad Adams, Executive Director, Climate Rights International, USA
Britta Teckentrup, Illustrator, Germany/UK
Bruce Douglas, CEO, Global Renewables Alliance, UK
Cameron Russell, Model, USA
Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson, Program host and journalist, Sweden
Céline Charveriat, Civil society leader, France
Chris Riddell, Illustrator, UK/South Africa
Christiana Figueres, former UN Climate Chief, Costa Rica
Clare Winterton, The Solutions Project, USA
Cobie Smulders, Actor, Canada
Cristina Orpheo, Executive Director of Fundo Casa Socioambiental, Mother and Grandmother, Brazil
Damon Gameau, Film director, Australia
Sir David King, Scientist, UK
David Lyons, Actor, Australia
David Morrissey, Actor and Producer, UK
Debi Gliori, Writer and Illustrator, UK
Dia Mirza, Actress, India
Djimon Hounsou, Actor and activist, US/Benin
Dominique Browning, Director and Co-Founder, Moms Clean Air Force, USA
Don Cheadle, Actor, UNEP Goodwill Ambassador, and The Solutions Project board member, USA
Emma Chichester Clark, Author and Illustrator, UK
Emma Max, Head of Operations Våra barns klimat, Sweden
Dame Emma Thompson, Actor and Writer, UK
Emmy Rossum, Actor and Singer/Songwriter, USA
Princess Esmeralda of Belgium, Journalist and environmental activist, Belgium
Eva Eland, Author and Illustrator, Netherlands/UK
Eva Riemer, Co-Chair of the European Grandparents for Climate, Denmark
Fadhel Kaboub, Economics Professor and Member of the Independent Experts Group on Just Transitions and Development.
Farhana Yamin, Climate Lawyer & Director, Climate Justice and Just Transition Collaborative, UK
Dr Fatima Denton, Scientist, Ghana
Fernando Meirelles, Film director, Brazil
The Rev. Fletcher Harper, Executive Director, GreenFaith, USA
Frida Berry Eklund, Co-founder Our Kids’ Climate and Klimatkollen, Author, EU Climate Pact Ambassador, Sweden
Gary Lineker, Sports Broadcaster and Footballer, UK
Genevieve Gunther, Professor, Author, USA
Godela von Kirchbach, Co-Chair of the European Grandparents for Climate, Austria
Dr. Guido Schmidt-Traub, Economist, France
The Revd Canon Guy Wilkinson CBE, Trustee, Faith for the Climate, UK
Halle Bailey, Grammy-nominated singer and actor, USA
Harriet Shugarman, Chair, Our Kids Climate Advisory Council, US/Canada
Hend Sabry, Award winning actress, producer and mother, Egypt/Tunisia
Pastor Henrique Vieira, Religious Leader, Brazil
Ian McEwan, Novelist and screenwriter, UK
Ilana Glazer, Comedian, Activist, Actor, USA
Inger Ashing, Chief Executive Officer, Save the Children International, Sweden
Isabel González Whitaker, Director, EcoMadres, USA
Isabelle Carré, Actress, France
Jackie Morris, Artist, Writer, Illustrator, UK
Jamie Cresswell, Buddhist Faith Leader, UK
Jane Ray, Children’s book illustrator, author and art educator, UK
Jerry White, Executive Director of United Religions Initiative , USA
Jessica Simor KC, Matrix Chambers, UK
Jessica St. Clair, Actor and Author, USA
Jill Kubit, Our Kids’ Climate, Co-Director and co-founder; DearTomorrow, co-founder, USA
Jim Field, Illustrator, UK
Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg, Rabbi of New North London Synagogue and Senior Rabbi of Masorti Judaism, UK
Julianne Moore, Actress and Author, USA
Julie Walters, Actor, UK
Justin Forsyth, Co-Founder, Count Us In, UK
Kamran Shezad, Director, Islamic Foundation for Ecology & Environmental Sciences, UK
Kate Raworth, Senior Associate Oxford University, Author of Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think like a 21st Century Economist, UK
Ken Wilson-Max, Children’s Author, Illustrator and Publisher, UK/Zimbabwe
Kevin Bacon, Actor, USA
Khaled Hosseini, Writer, Afghanistan/USA
Konnie Huq, Broadcaster and Writer, UK
Krista Kosonen, Actor, Finland
Kumi Naidoo, President of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative, South Africa
Kyra Sedgwick, Actor, USA
Laila Zaid, Actress & socio-environmental communicator, Brazil
Lais Fleury, Alana Institute, Brazil
Laura Clarke, CEO, ClientEarth, UK
Leah Seligmann, Business Leader
Leanne Brummell, Parents for Future Global & Parents For Climate Australia, Australia
LeUyen Pham, Author and Illustrator, Vietnam/USA
Liat Olenick, Parent, Educator and Organizer with Climate Families NYC, USA
Lidy Nacpil, Coordinator of the Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development, The Philippines
Lily Cole, Director, Writer, Activist, UK
Lisa Hoyos, Co-founder Climate Parents, USA
Livia Giuggioli Firth, Co-founder, The Circle, Italy
Lucian Msamati, Actor, UK/Zimbabwe/Tanzania
Makoma Lekalakala, Director, Earthlife Africa-Johannesburg, Goldman Environmental Prize Awardee, Our Kids’ Climate Advisory Council, South Africa
Malorie Blackman, Writer and former Children’s Laureate, UK
Manuel Pulgar Vidal, Political Leader, Peru
Margarita Engle, Cuban American Poet and Children’s Book Author, Cuba, USA
Dr Maria Neira, Director of the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Health, World Health Organization, Spain
Dr. Mariana Mazzucato, Economist, Italy
Matthew Rhys, Actor, UK
May Boeve, Activist, USA
Maya Mailer, Our Kids’ Climate Co-Director, UK
Megan Boone, Actor, USA
Merylene Chitharai, Faith Youth Leader, South Africa
Michael E. Mann, Scientist, USA
Michael Poland, Campaign Director, Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative, Australia
Michael Rosen, Broadcaster, Poet and Children’s Writer, UK
Sir Mo Farah, 4 x Olympic Champion athlete and Save the Children Ambassador, UK/Somalia
Naomi Klein, Author and Journalist, Canada
Ndivile Mokoena, Faith Leader and Activist, South Africa
Nick Grono, CEO, The Freedom Fund, Our Kids’ Climate Advisory Council, UK/Belgium/Australia
Nisreen Elsaim, Climate Activist, Sudan
Nnimmo Bassey, Writer and Environmental Activist, Nigeria
Olafur Eliasson, Artist, Denmark/Iceland
Oliver Robertson, Head of Witness and Worship at Quakers in Britain, UK
Omar Elmawi, Coordinator for Africa Climate Movement Building Space, Kenya
Patrick Arnold, Founder, 10 Billion Strong, Environmental Educator, USA
Paul Hawken, Author, USA
Paul Polman, Business Leader, UK
Phil Bloomer, Executive Director, Business and Human Rights Resource Centre, UK
Piper Perabo, Actress, USA
Raakhi Shah, CEO, The Circle, UK
Rajiv Joshi, Executive Director, Project Regeneration, UK/USA
Ray Winstone, Actor, UK
Rebecca Cobb, illustrator, UK
Rob Biddulph, Illustrator, UK
Robert Redford, Actor, Director, and Trustee of Natural Resources Defense Council, USA
Sibylle Szaggars Redford, Founder, President & Artistic Director of The Way of the Rain, USA/Germany
Romesh Gunesekera, Author, Sri Lanka/UK
Rosamund Adoo-Kissi-Debrah CBE, Founder and Director, The Ella Roberta Foundation, UK
Rosario Dawson, “Actrivist,” Designer and Producer, USA
Rowan Ryrie, Parent Movement Leader, UK
Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London and C40 cities Co-Chair, UK
Sara Nilsson Lööv, Mothers Rebellion for Climate Justice, Sweden
Satish Kumar, Editor Emeritus, Resurgence & Ecologist, UK/India
Sergei Urban, Founder of TheDadLab and Author, Latvia, UK
Seth Klein, Writer and Climate Campaigner, Canada
Shabana Azmi, Actor and Activist, India
Simon Pegg, Actor, Screenwriter and Producer, UK
Sonia Dunlop, CEO of the Global Solar Council (GSC), UK
Sonia Kwami, Director of Campaigns and Organising, 350.org,Ghana
Steve Buscemi, Actor, Director, Producer and Writer, USA
Dr. Susan Pacheco, Pediatrician, Professor of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, Our Kids’ Climate Advisory Council, US/Puerto Rico
Susana Réfega, Executive Director, Laudato Si’ Movement, Portugal
Tan Sri Jemilah Mahmood, Executive Director of the Sunway Center for Planetary Health. Malaysia
Tasneem Essop, Executive Director of Climate Action Network, South Africa
Thato Angelina Gabaitse, Parents For Future Global, Botswana
Tiê, Singer, Songwriter, Brazil
Tim Guinee, Actor, USA
Tom Rivett-Carnac, Co-Founder Global Optimism, UK
Tzeporah Berman, Chair, Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative, Canada
Woochong Um, Chief Executive Officer, The Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet, South Korea
Bishop William Swing, Founder of United Religions Initiative, USA
Xoli Fuyani, Director, Black Girls Rising, South Africa
Yuyi Morales, Writer and illustrator, Mexico/US
Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr, Mayor of Freetown and C40 Cities Co-Chair, Sierra Leone
Yvonne Berlin, European Climate Pact Ambassador in Germany as representative of the Christians4Future Germany, Germany
Zillah Bethell, Author, Papua New Guinea/UK
In alphabetical order by first name:
Agnes Imgart, Parents For Future Global & Parents For Future Germany, Germany
Alastair Campbell, Writer, Podcaster and Strategist, UK
Alison Steadman, Actor, UK
Alysia Reiner, Actress, Activist, Speaker, Producer, Eco-Mom, USA
Amber Valletta, Activist, Founder and Model, USA
Dr Andrew Steer, President and CEO, Bezos Earth Fund, USA
Angelique Kidjo, Musician, Benin
Annie Lennox, Singer, Songwriter, Humanitarian and Co-Founder of The Circle, UK
Anya Kamenetz, Journalist and Author, The Stolen Year, USA
Arizona Muse, Model, Sustainability Consultant, Activist and Founder of DIRT Charity, USA
Dr Arunabha Ghosh, Scientist, India
Axel Scheffler, Illustrator, Germany/UK
AY Young, Singer, Songwriter, USA
Benji Davies, Author, Illustrator, UK
Benjamin Chaud, Author and illustrator, France
Beverley Naidoo, Writer, Children’s Author, South Africa/UK
Bhavreen Kandhari, Warrior Moms, Co-Founder, India
Bianca Santana, Author/Writer and Journalist, Brazil
Bill McKibben, Activist, USA
Brad Adams, Executive Director, Climate Rights International, USA
Britta Teckentrup, Illustrator, Germany/UK
Bruce Douglas, CEO, Global Renewables Alliance, UK
Cameron Russell, Model, USA
Catarina Rolfsdotter-Jansson, Program host and journalist, Sweden
Céline Charveriat, Civil society leader, France
Chris Riddell, Illustrator, UK/South Africa
Christiana Figueres, former UN Climate Chief, Costa Rica
Clare Winterton, The Solutions Project, USA
Cobie Smulders, Actor, Canada
Cristina Orpheo, Executive Director of Fundo Casa Socioambiental, Mother and Grandmother, Brazil
Damon Gameau, Film director, Australia
Sir David King, Scientist, UK
David Lyons, Actor, Australia
David Morrissey, Actor and Producer, UK
Debi Gliori, Writer and Illustrator, UK
Dia Mirza, Actress, India
Djimon Hounsou, Actor and activist, US/Benin
Dominique Browning, Director and Co-Founder, Moms Clean Air Force, USA
Don Cheadle, Actor, UNEP Goodwill Ambassador, and The Solutions Project board member, USA
Emma Chichester Clark, Author and Illustrator, UK
Emma Max, Head of Operations Våra barns klimat, Sweden
Dame Emma Thompson, Actor and Writer, UK
Emmy Rossum, Actor and Singer/Songwriter, USA
Princess Esmeralda of Belgium, Journalist and environmental activist, Belgium
Eva Eland, Author and Illustrator, Netherlands/UK
Eva Riemer, Co-Chair of the European Grandparents for Climate, Denmark
Fadhel Kaboub, Economics Professor and Member of the Independent Experts Group on Just Transitions and Development.
Farhana Yamin, Climate Lawyer & Director, Climate Justice and Just Transition Collaborative, UK
Dr Fatima Denton, Scientist, Ghana
Fernando Meirelles, Film director, Brazil
The Rev. Fletcher Harper, Executive Director, GreenFaith, USA
Frida Berry Eklund, Co-founder Our Kids’ Climate and Klimatkollen, Author, EU Climate Pact Ambassador, Sweden
Gary Lineker, Sports Broadcaster and Footballer, UK
Genevieve Gunther, Professor, Author, USA
Godela von Kirchbach, Co-Chair of the European Grandparents for Climate, Austria
Dr. Guido Schmidt-Traub, Economist, France
The Revd Canon Guy Wilkinson CBE, Trustee, Faith for the Climate, UK
Halle Bailey, Grammy-nominated singer and actor, USA
Harriet Shugarman, Chair, Our Kids Climate Advisory Council, US/Canada
Hend Sabry, Award winning actress, producer and mother, Egypt/Tunisia
Pastor Henrique Vieira, Religious Leader, Brazil
Ian McEwan, Novelist and screenwriter, UK
Ilana Glazer, Comedian, Activist, Actor, USA
Inger Ashing, Chief Executive Officer, Save the Children International, Sweden
Isabel González Whitaker, Director, EcoMadres, USA
Isabelle Carré, Actress, France
Jackie Morris, Artist, Writer, Illustrator, UK
Jamie Cresswell, Buddhist Faith Leader, UK
Jane Ray, Children’s book illustrator, author and art educator, UK
Jerry White, Executive Director of United Religions Initiative , USA
Jessica Simor KC, Matrix Chambers, UK
Jessica St. Clair, Actor and Author, USA
Jill Kubit, Our Kids’ Climate, Co-Director and co-founder; DearTomorrow, co-founder, USA
Jim Field, Illustrator, UK
Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg, Rabbi of New North London Synagogue and Senior Rabbi of Masorti Judaism, UK
Julianne Moore, Actress and Author, USA
Julie Walters, Actor, UK
Justin Forsyth, Co-Founder, Count Us In, UK
Kamran Shezad, Director, Islamic Foundation for Ecology & Environmental Sciences, UK
Kate Raworth, Senior Associate Oxford University, Author of Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think like a 21st Century Economist, UK
Ken Wilson-Max, Children’s Author, Illustrator and Publisher, UK/Zimbabwe
Kevin Bacon, Actor, USA
Khaled Hosseini, Writer, Afghanistan/USA
Konnie Huq, Broadcaster and Writer, UK
Krista Kosonen, Actor, Finland
Kumi Naidoo, President of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative, South Africa
Kyra Sedgwick, Actor, USA
Laila Zaid, Actress & socio-environmental communicator, Brazil
Lais Fleury, Alana Institute, Brazil
Laura Clarke, CEO, ClientEarth, UK
Leah Seligmann, Business Leader
Leanne Brummell, Parents for Future Global & Parents For Climate Australia, Australia
LeUyen Pham, Author and Illustrator, Vietnam/USA
Liat Olenick, Parent, Educator and Organizer with Climate Families NYC, USA
Lidy Nacpil, Coordinator of the Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development, The Philippines
Lily Cole, Director, Writer, Activist, UK
Lisa Hoyos, Co-founder Climate Parents, USA
Livia Giuggioli Firth, Co-founder, The Circle, Italy
Lucian Msamati, Actor, UK/Zimbabwe/Tanzania
Makoma Lekalakala, Director, Earthlife Africa-Johannesburg, Goldman Environmental Prize Awardee, Our Kids’ Climate Advisory Council, South Africa
Malorie Blackman, Writer and former Children’s Laureate, UK
Manuel Pulgar Vidal, Political Leader, Peru
Margarita Engle, Cuban American Poet and Children’s Book Author, Cuba, USA
Dr Maria Neira, Director of the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Health, World Health Organization, Spain
Dr. Mariana Mazzucato, Economist, Italy
Matthew Rhys, Actor, UK
May Boeve, Activist, USA
Maya Mailer, Our Kids’ Climate Co-Director, UK
Megan Boone, Actor, USA
Merylene Chitharai, Faith Youth Leader, South Africa
Michael E. Mann, Scientist, USA
Michael Poland, Campaign Director, Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative, Australia
Michael Rosen, Broadcaster, Poet and Children’s Writer, UK
Sir Mo Farah, 4 x Olympic Champion athlete and Save the Children Ambassador, UK/Somalia
Naomi Klein, Author and Journalist, Canada
Ndivile Mokoena, Faith Leader and Activist, South Africa
Nick Grono, CEO, The Freedom Fund, Our Kids’ Climate Advisory Council, UK/Belgium/Australia
Nisreen Elsaim, Climate Activist, Sudan
Nnimmo Bassey, Writer and Environmental Activist, Nigeria
Olafur Eliasson, Artist, Denmark/Iceland
Oliver Robertson, Head of Witness and Worship at Quakers in Britain, UK
Omar Elmawi, Coordinator for Africa Climate Movement Building Space, Kenya
Patrick Arnold, Founder, 10 Billion Strong, Environmental Educator, USA
Paul Hawken, Author, USA
Paul Polman, Business Leader, Netherlands
Phil Bloomer, Executive Director, Business and Human Rights Resource Centre, UK
Piper Perabo, Actress, USA
Raakhi Shah, CEO, The Circle, UK
Rajiv Joshi, Executive Director, Project Regeneration, UK/USA
Ray Winstone, Actor, UK
Rebecca Cobb, illustrator, UK
Rob Biddulph, Illustrator, UK
Robert Redford, Actor, Director, and Trustee of Natural Resources Defense Council, USA
Sibylle Szaggars Redford, Founder, President & Artistic Director of The Way of the Rain, USA/Germany
Romesh Gunesekera, Author, Sri Lanka/UK
Rosamund Adoo-Kissi-Debrah CBE, Founder and Director, The Ella Roberta Foundation, UK
Rosario Dawson, “Actrivist,” Designer and Producer, USA
Rowan Ryrie, Parent Movement Leader, UK
Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London and C40 cities Co-Chair, UK
Sara Nilsson Lööv, Mothers Rebellion for Climate Justice, Sweden
Satish Kumar, Editor Emeritus, Resurgence & Ecologist, UK/India
Sergei Urban, Founder of TheDadLab and Author, Latvia, UK
Seth Klein, Writer and Climate Campaigner, Canada
Shabana Azmi, Actor and Activist, India
Simon Pegg, Actor, Screenwriter and Producer, UK
Sonia Dunlop, CEO of the Global Solar Council (GSC), UK
Sonia Kwami, Director of Campaigns and Organising, 350.org,Ghana
Steve Buscemi, Actor, Director, Producer and Writer, USA
Dr. Susan Pacheco, Pediatrician, Professor of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, Our Kids’ Climate Advisory Council, US/Puerto Rico
Susana Réfega, Executive Director, Laudato Si’ Movement, Portugal
Tan Sri Jemilah Mahmood, Executive Director of the Sunway Center for Planetary Health. Malaysia
Tasneem Essop, Executive Director of Climate Action Network, South Africa
Thato Angelina Gabaitse, Parents For Future Global, Botswana
Tiê, Singer, Songwriter, Brazil
Tim Guinee, Actor, USA
Tom Rivett-Carnac, Co-Founder Global Optimism, UK
Tzeporah Berman, Chair, Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative, Canada
Woochong Um, Chief Executive Officer, The Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet, South Korea
Bishop William Swing, Founder of United Religions Initiative, USA
Xoli Fuyani, Director, Black Girls Rising, South Africa
Yuyi Morales, Writer and illustrator, Mexico/US
Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr, Mayor of Freetown and C40 Cities Co-Chair, Sierra Leone
Yvonne Berlin, European Climate Pact Ambassador in Germany as representative of the Christians4Future Germany, Germany
Zillah Bethell, Author, Papua New Guinea/UK
Other signatures. See full list below.
1411 people have signed the letter.
Sabine Payr, parent
Jessica Gottsleben, parent
Jinhwa Hwong-Ambrose, parent
Carey Lai, grand-parent
Bernard De Volder, parent
Sally Giblin, parent
Sarah Montgomery, parent
Bronwyn McIntyre, grand-parent
Andy Kroeker, grand-parent
UMAR SAEED, parent
Kimberley Didion, parent
Codino Maria, step-parent
Peg Barbato, grand-parent
Veronica Benavides, parent
Sonia D’Souza-Bhavsar, parent
Ewelina, step-parent
Adam Love, parent
Gerda Nilsson, parent
Lesley O’Connor, parent
Sofia Vänelid, parent
Henrik Holm, parent
Fiona, parent
Anna Söderström, step-parent
Louise O’Leary, parent
maja.risholm@gmail.com, parent
Anna Söderström, step-parent
Heidi, grand-parent
Claire Kervin, parent
Rebecca Davis, parent
Alexander Obersht, parent
Dr Clio Kennedy Hutchison, parent
Amy Walter, parent
Stefan Zauner, parent
Siv Eriksson, grand-parent
Cecilia Berghammer, parent
Corey Helm, parent
Doreen Cunningham, parent
Jenny Newell, parent
Eva Sollén Mattsson, parent
Lena van den Brink, grand-parent
Sarah fafie, parent
Johanna Mohlin, parent
Anarkali Papalkar, parent
Urpo Taskinen, grand-parent
Charlotte Nordling, parent
Stefan Caliandro, parent
Jenny Björk, parent
Nick Harris, parent